The Adams County Leader
Published Every Friday by the Council Publishing Company.
Eighty-nine per cent of the stock of the above company
is owned by F.H. Michaelson.
F. H. Michaelson Editor and Manager
Published Every Friday by the Council Publishing Company.
Eighty-nine per cent of the stock of the above company
is owned by F.H. Michaelson.
F. H. Michaelson Editor and Manager
LOCAL ITEMS, 1920 – 1921
To most of us this spring, sunshine is one thing that remains free, the Standard Oil
Company not having found a means of monopoly.
Council Creamery - We Manufacture the Best Ice Cream. This creamery is an Adams county institution, established primarily for the benefit of Adams county people. Its success is your safety.
The mutual mud throwing in the national campaign has commenced rather early to get the best results. Like a fried egg, slander must be fed hot off the skillet if it is to be swallowed by other than thoughtless people. If permitted long-time exposure, neither will be gulped down without salt.
The best buy yet – a combination Westinghouse toaster and stove, $11 – Adams County
Light and Power Company.
For sale- Full-blood Lincoln buck lamb. John Ingram.
We call to mind that for months Uncle Sam has been sending out warnings to prevent owners of Liberty Bonds from being victimized out of their savings. These warnings make special reference to oil-stock and other get-rich-quick concerns that have gathered in millions through the sale of fake offerings.
Bring Us Eggs – 60 cents a dozen in trade. Council Grocery.
Dr. M. D. Fleming, optometrist, will be in Council on Saturday and Sunday, September 25 and 26, and in New Meadows on Monday, September 27.
Come in and let us explain why the Dodge is, above all others, the car you need. The Addington Auto Company, Council, Idaho
Notice to Public: To all whom this may concern: My wife has left my bed and board and from this date I will not be responsible for any debts she may contract. Wm. Pappa
Last Saturday evening, twenty members of the local Odd Fellows’ lodge went to Cambridge in autos, and visited the I. O. O. F. lodge at that place, and, incidentally, conferred the Second degree on four candidates for the Cambridge lodge. After the lodge work had been completed, the Cambridge brothers set up a feast such as a king might envy, to which everybody did ample justice, especially the Council members. In fact, they did so well that Bro. G. of Cambridge called Bro. W. of Council aside and told him that he could quit eating any time he wanted to, all of which brought no relief for Cambridge.
Meats - Fresh and Cured - at prices somewhat lower than conditions may seem to warrant. Council Meat Market F. E. Weed, Proprietor
Council Grocery Company – You cannot miss the place—just across the street, east of post office.
June 10, 1921
The almost unanimous participation of the local public in the Edward Burtenshaw funeral held here last Friday, together with the numberless manifestations of sympathy and reverence will, we imagine, long be kindly remembered by the relatives of the deceased soldier. Most of us realized that of our boys who went to France some would almost surely fail to return. Just who would fall was a problem to be determined by that mysterious thing called fate. As the boys departed to take up their work in the great struggle, one felt that each was his boy—not in blood but in spirit, in the cause for which he fought and in the sacrifices he was asked to make. The war brought us all closer together, and to the public in general it will be long comforting to recall that the spirit of unity remains deep down in the hearts of all. While other boys from this county were also lost, the body of Edward is the only one thus far brought home for burial.
April 15, 1921
We are in receipt of an unsigned communication, for publication, which begins with the statement that “all men are liars” and then in a spirit of bravery like that of a puppy which barks from behind a fence, attempts to particularize over our shoulders. We recall having previously stated that it is a policy of this paper to refrain from publication of anonymous communications of any character. Since unsigned letters continue to come, we would call to mind that, with particular reference to the one just received, a citizen who would abuse his neighbor over the shoulders of a little skinny county editor is as short of courage as he is long on nerve. Neighbor, if you feel that you should abuse some person, it would be better if you go to him direct rather than ask that another peddle your spleen for you. If you must spill your disposition, hang your coat on a fence, look up your man and say your say. You may not look quite natural when through with the job, but you’ll at least feel less like a coyote. It would perhaps be better for the community and for yourself if, when you feel a spell of cussedness coming on, you count a hundred before starting to abuse a neighbor.
March 11, 1921
Recently, while on the street, we heard one of our good neighbors who had been using some rather strong profanity at a time when one of our local preachers was standing near, make the statement, “Gee, I didn’t see the Parson when I was saying that.” All of which seems to indicate a faulty method of reasoning. Without a thought of disrespect to the ministry it would seem that if one is going to cuss at all there could scarcely be a better place to “let go” than in the presence of a preacher, rather than in the presence of children who may be impressed by bad example. Seems to us that swearing in the presence of a preacher would be a little like breaking one’s leg in the presence of a doctor. One would at least be near help if he felt that he needed it. Better, far better, to be careful of one’s language near little folks. It is to be assumed that a preacher can hear bad words without being in the least corrupted. Otherwise he is working on the wrong job.
But we advance this thought merely to call to mind that most of us too often regulate our conduct on a basis to avoid criticism rather than with regard to a common-sense view of right and wrong. Anyway, if one wants to “cuss” it would seem that there are two places in particular where ha can do so with reasonable propriety—either when he is alone or with a preacher, the reason being that in either event he will harm only himself. However, since we have invited our local pastors to go fishing with us this spring, we will mention, to allay possible apprehension, that we’ll do our best at “holdin’ in” even though our last spoon hook gets caught and we lose our entire d—d—arned line.
March 18, 1921
Why not be full of fun and humor at home—like the folks in the movie pictures are? We imagine that when a man comes home tired from work it would be restful to pick up a custard pie and slam it is the faces of the wife and children, a la movie comedy. Many people who attend movies laugh at such things—and so do we—and, through their approval, ask that they may be presented with regularity. If there is a guest in the house to spend the evening, empty a bucket of scrub water over his head. This will cause much laughter from the family and will make the guest feel perfectly at home. Then throw a few plates at everybody in sight. If this does not provoke enough humor, try flooding the house with water so that each person may float about the room on a piece of furniture, using a broom for a paddle a la Charlie Chaplin. People laugh at such things when shown at a movie comedy, so why would it not be the proper procedure at home?
October 7, 1921
Commencing October 3, we will give absolutely free with each and every twenty dollars’ worth of merchandise for cash, one beautiful Havalin China Cup and Saucer. Concentrate your buying and you will be surprised how quickly you get a full set. Purchases from any of our departments apply, so, ladies, bring in your husbands and boys and supply their wants as well as your own, and carry away this beautiful ware.
W. T. Lampkin, Department Store, Council, Idaho
October 7, 1921
There was a meeting of the executive committee of the Adams County Red Cross held at the court house on Tuesday afternoon, at which time Miss Annie Duncan, the county school health nurse, rendered a report of her month’s work among the school children of this county. The figures resulting from her investigations are very similar to those found in the average rural community, and, while they are unpleasant to contemplate, furnish food for needed reflection. In fact, it is up to our people to think—and think seriously—in regard to this problem if the defects found are to be actually corrected. Otherwise, the community must face evidence of laxity in health control. Miss Duncan’s report covered examination of 258 pupils, representing various neighborhoods of the county, and showed as follows:
One percent mentally defective.
Two percent tuberculous, now or in the past.
Four percent have defective hearing.
Ten percent have defective eyesight.
Twenty-two percent, diseased tonsils or adenoids.
Thirty-nine percent have defective teeth and three percent of these have diseased gums.
Thirty-nine percent are anywhere from seven to twenty percent underweight.
Four percent have various forms of skin disease.
compiled by Eberle Umbach